Attach - meaning and definition. What is Attach
Online Dictionary

What (who) is Attach - definition

Attachments; Attach; Attaching; Attaches; Attachment (disambiguation); Atachement; Atachements; Attachements; Attachement; Attach (disambiguation)

1) (d; refl.) ('to join') to attach to (she attached herself to our group)
2) (D; tr.) ('to fasten') to attach to (she attached an aerial/antenna to the radio; a tag was attached to each article)
3) (d; tr.) ('to assign temporarily') to attach to (the officer was attached to headquarters)
4) (d; tr.) ('to ascribe') to attach to (we attached no significance to her statement)
(attaches, attaching, attached)
Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English.
If you attach something to an object, you join it or fasten it to the object.
The gadget can be attached to any vertical surface...
The astronauts will attach a motor that will boost the satellite into its proper orbit...
For further information, please contact us on the attached form.
VERB: V n to n, V n, V-ed
If someone attaches himself or herself to you, they join you and stay with you, often without being invited to do so.
Natasha attached herself to the film crew filming at her orphanage.
VERB: V pron-refl to n
If people attach a quality to someone or something, or if it attaches to them, people consider that they have that quality.
The authorities attached much significance to his visit.
...the magic that still attaches to the word 'spy'.
...the stigma attached to mental illness.
VERB: V n to n, V to n, V-ed
If you attach conditions to something such as an agreement, you state that specific things must be done before the agreement is valid.
Activists are pressing the banks to attach political conditions to the signing of any new agreement...
VERB: V n to n
In computing, if you attach a file to a message that you send to someone, you send it with the message but separate from it.
It is possible to attach executable program files to e-mail.
VERB: V n to n
no strings attached: see string
see also attached
v. a.
Fasten, tie, join, connect, cement, affix, fix, append, subjoin, tack, annex, hitch, make fast, set to.
Attract, captivate, enamour, endear, charm, win, engage, gain over.
(Law.) Take, seize, distrain, distress.



Attachment may refer to:

Pronunciation examples for Attach
1. inflections attach.
The Riddle of the Labyrinth _ Margalit Fox _ Talks at Google
2. how to attach their thoughts, how to attach belief systems,
Our Pristine Mind - A Happiness Guide _ Orgyen Chowang _ Talks at Google
3. attach their picture.
Modern Love Revised and Updated _ Daniel Jones _ Talks at Google
4. then progress and attach
5. and attaches them .
Steve Cohen _ Chamber Magic - Performance and Stories from a Magical Career _ Talks at Google
Examples of use of Attach
1. To attach importance to social preference policies.
2. That shield, however, does not attach to federal investigations.
3. "We attach importance to cleanliness in the municipality of Ţanlýurfa.
4. I also attach great importance to cooking techniques.
5. "So we attach to them different levels of importance.